As a coach (both for athletics and for life and personal development) I advocate for self and situational awareness, listening to one’s body and being and environment, and learning to interpret and respond in a health-promoting way. Things change, inside of us and outside, and we need to be aware and adapt to these changes to keep ourselves within the flourishing flow of life.

Now is an opportunity for me to demonstrate this as well. 

It’s been a crazy year for everyone on this planet. As I try to adapt to my own unique mix of circumstances, I am being stretched thin by my responsibilities in different domains. I feel these are good responsibilities and I will be able to handle them, but they are competing for my limited resources. I’ve been writing essays for this blog nearly weekly since 2009, and the recent loss of momentum for producing them has revealed how challenging it has been. I realized this morning that because my blog is completely independent and voluntary, and its primary purpose is and always has been to serve my need for processing and be an expression of joy, I don’t need to let it be one more chore right now. So, I am simply going to permit myself to pause my production on this blog.

Photo by Andrey Andreyev on Unsplash

Meanwhile, the observing, listening, and thinking I do will continue to produce seeds for new thoughts, ideas, and answers and these will continue to collect in my notes because that is simply what a Mat Hudson organism does. I will resume publishing when I feel ready to. Even so, I’ve got another 10 months of grad school and an enormous amount of writing to do there, so I am still going to get more than enough of this favorite form of expression. 

I appreciate those of you who have expressed your appreciation for my blog content and our shared values.  I am confident of your support in this.

By the way, there are still over 600 mostly timeless articles on this blog and no doubt still relevant. Certainly, you have not exhausted the value of those!


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