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Quality Rest Time At The Wall

Quality Rest Time At The Wall

In our private workshop with the MaratonIST Triathlon Club of Istanbul this weekend I used one of our practice sets to show how we turn even those passive rest moments (= being still) at the wall into valuable training opportunity. Those moments are not just about...
A Better High Elbow Catch

A Better High Elbow Catch

These last couple weeks I received a some inquiries about my perspective on what is known as the High Elbow Catch so I will share some of the comments I gave. Appearance Or Function? The label ‘high elbow catch’ is a descriptive term of an external appearance – and...
Improve Swimming Speed Part 3

Improve Swimming Speed Part 3

So, in the previous essay we have seen how swimming speed and ease can be broken down into a pyramid of interdependent skill sets. In your stroke mastery and performance improvement process you need to work through this cycle several times, gradually deepening your...
Improve Swimming Speed Part 2

Improve Swimming Speed Part 2

Let’s say you want to go a bit faster than you can now, to improve swimming speed, but your current methods are not working. When looking at the math of physics this is the equation we use in swimming to build speed: Speed = Stroke Length x Stroke Rate The...
Improve Swimming Speed Part 1

Improve Swimming Speed Part 1

A good portion of our typical swim students, maybe half, are primarily concerned about swimming faster. The other half may not be directly interested in getting faster – they just want swimming to be easier and more enjoyable regardless of speed (so it is said)....
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