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Remedy For Sinkers Part 1

Are you a sinking swimmer? I am going to share a little of my secret strategy, out of compassion for my swimming comrades who consider themselves ‘sinkers’ – I know a few many and a few less women who fit this category. I don’t know the overall...

Metrics In Open Water: How To Train

For most swimmers who desire it training in open-water may still only be an occasional or seasonal experience. That means most swimmers practice in the pool, swimming and measuring things between walls – this is ‘normal’ while swimming without walls...

Measuring Improvement

In the Kaizen value system of TI we are devoted to continual personal improvement. In each practice we are inspired to pursue some piece of improvement in our swimming, and in our self. But, you and I live a real life in a real world. So often circumstances come up...

Open Water Sun Protection

How do I protect myself from the sun while swimming in open-water? That’s a very important question, and one I hear often at this time of the year. Here are my two recommendations: 1) A rash-guard or swim-shirt. If you want no hindrance while swimming the fit...
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