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Preparing For Your Open Water Race

How Do I Prepare For My Open Water Race? Would you like to make your next open-water race experience as pleasant and successful as possible? Here is a way to maximize your chances of that… Here is summary of my advice for how to prepare for your next open-water...

Metrics In Open Water: Measuring Distance

Now that open-water season is more widely opened up in the Northern Hemisphere we should discuss some ideas about translating pool practice into open-water. It takes an adjustment in mindset to move from pool practice to open-water practice. When asked I let swimmers...

Getting Enough Breath?

Q: I have read your articles on Metrics-Tempo, Pace, etc with a lot of interest. What I was wondering, if you increase your DPS [distance per stroke], that means your SPL [strokes per length of pool] goes down. If SPL goes down, doesn’t that mean you will take...

Metrics 103: Pacing Failure And Success

By gradually increasing distance you will challenge your abilities to hold your chosen SPL x Tempo combination. It will get difficult and you will reach what feel like limits to your ability for that day. Yet ‘failure’ of this type is an important part of...
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