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When To Train With Others?

When To Train With Others?

My long time friend (since 5 years old!) and I were debating the merits of training with others. Our conversation was about running, but when I composed my summary of our thoughts I realized this would apply to swimming as well, in the case of training for a...
Lose Your Self In Flow

Lose Your Self In Flow

This continues from Part 6 of our discussion of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s eight “characteristic dimensions of the flow experience” outlined in his book The Evolving Self. #6 – Loss of self-consciousness, transcendence of ego boundaries, a sense...
Train To Extend Your Energy

Train To Extend Your Energy

  If you are aspiring to swim longer distance – whatever is ‘long’ to you – I want to recommend to you a different way to view what you need to focus on in your precious training time.  In the first half of practice, when energy is abundant and...
Flow Requires Full Attention

Flow Requires Full Attention

This continues from Part 4 of our discussion of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s eight “characteristic dimensions of the flow experience” outlined in his book The Evolving Self. The first two features of flow had more to do with planning what your training...
Your Swimming Brain

Your Swimming Brain

What draws you to the practice of Total Immersion? Is it smooth swimming? Is it for health and fitness? A lifelong goal? What about as a method to train and sharpen your brain? Does it meet all those aims? The brain physically and cognitively is absolutely...
How To Solve Any Swimming Problem

How To Solve Any Swimming Problem

What’s the biggest obstacle standing in the way of your reaching your swimming goal? Would you like me to tell you how to solve that problem? Well, I can’t address every individual problem there is, but I can point out the different categories you can...
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