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The Habit Of Exercise – Part 2

The Habit Of Exercise – Part 2

What has kept me exercising regularly for 30 years, and what will keep me going for another 30 and more? This post is part 2 of 4 in the series The Habit Of Exercise. and continues the discussion of what builds and strengthens our habit of exercise to contribute to...
The Habit Of Exercise – Part 1

The Habit Of Exercise – Part 1

There may be a season of your life when it becomes important to you to get ready for a big athletic accomplishment, like a triathlon or a masters swim meet, or a swim holiday that has you training more than you have been used to. That event on a fast approaching date...
What Gets You Out The Door?

What Gets You Out The Door?

Let me explain what motivates me to keep training, day after day, month after month, year after year – and perhaps this will resonate with you as well.    When Fitness Must Be Earned It was somewhere around 1987. I was a freshman in high school, and it was...
What Gets You Out The Door?

Which Podium Are You Aiming For?

In engineering there is this rule of optimization which says you can’t optimize for everything in a system. You have to choose what few functions or goals to prioritize and give greater resources to and which to strip resources from.  You can’t have it...
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