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Improve Swimming Speed Part 1

Improve Swimming Speed Part 1

A good portion of our typical swim students, maybe half, are primarily concerned about swimming faster. The other half may not be directly interested in getting faster – they just want swimming to be easier and more enjoyable regardless of speed (so it is said)....

Going Further From Inside

I have a few students like this: they have been practicing faithfully for months if not years. They have the expected pattern of the stroke seemingly memorized. At first glance one might say, ‘Yeah, your stroke looks great!’. But these swimmers tell me...

Measuring Improvement

In the Kaizen value system of TI we are devoted to continual personal improvement. In each practice we are inspired to pursue some piece of improvement in our swimming, and in our self. But, you and I live a real life in a real world. So often circumstances come up...
Accumulation Of Small Advantages

Accumulation Of Small Advantages

At our mini-open water camp in Kas today one of my swimmers was expressing his delight with the improvement he experienced with one or two particular focal points. He kept jumping back in the sea to review it over and over. I was pleased of course, that he identified...
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