Health versus Fitness

There is a difference between the concepts of “health” and “fitness”. Let me propose a definition for each: Health = the condition when systems of the body and mind are in an optimal state and harmony for energetic, productive, long-lasting, regenerative living....

Break The Rules

I am getting ready to fly to Poland for another TI Coach training camp- but I will share some words from TI Head Coach Terry Laughlin. And I strongly urge you to spend some time browsing the TI Forums. A lot of good stuff for you there. Terry: I’m writing today...

Swim-Coach Cycle

Recently, one of my TI swimming students commented that he was hesitant to teach TI to his friends out of concern that he might teach them the wrong things, that he might mis-represent TI. He is a professionally minded engineering type who wants to do things right....

State Of The Art

The 7km race today went very well. Full sun, just enough breeze to keep the air pleasant, but no surface chop. The water temp was perfect. I was a little concerned for the first km that I might get uncomfortably chilled at our group’s pace but I was fine as the...

Swimming Through Depression

A few weeks ago I was hit with depression for about 4 days. I lost my energy and enthusiasm for anything. I just wanted to sleep and sleep until the exhaustion and gloom left. This doesn’t happen so often any more. I’ve lived overseas for over 4 years now-...

Measuring Quality in Open-Water

In rock climbing, when trying to climb a route ‘clean’ (no falls, no hanging on the rope) the artist has no room for mistakes. A mis-step, a mis-catch causes a fall and the climber is obligated to start over. The whole climb has to be executed without a...
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