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Relaxation Paradox

Relaxation Paradox

Sometimes it seems like we have a paradox with relaxation in swimming – a dissonance between the understanding that speed requires power and power requires muscle tension, yet speed is restricted unless there is relaxation in the muscles. In Easy Strength the...
Swimmer Speed Curve – Part 4

Swimmer Speed Curve – Part 4

This is a continuation of Swimmer Speed Curve Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3… Maintaining best form when energy is abundant is a great Level 1 accomplishment. That is really a good functional goal for recreational swimming, and that may be as far as some want to go...
Thinking Clearly

Thinking Clearly

Here is another book I must recommend for you: The Art Of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli. It was just what I was looking for lately in my research when I ran across it in the airport bookstore – a list and brief description of fifty common cognitive biases...
Drink Down?

Drink Down?

I wrote the essay Drink Up! recently describing the importance of adequate hydration to maintain mental as well as physical performance – I cited medical observations by Dr. Kenneth Kamler in his book “Surviving The Extremes.” It is important to...
Drink Up!

Drink Up!

As the heat of summer gradually builds into an oven-like experience here on the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey I am reminded annually to renew and improve my habit of hydration. That habit has gotten better for me but I still notice weaknesses in it. And I am betting...
Running Rehab – Part 2

Running Rehab – Part 2

  In conjunction with the previous post – Running Rehab Part 1 – I will describe the places on my lower body where I have used a foam roller to work out tight and painful spots, which has released me to run pain-free again. First, the points on my...
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