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How Does Speed Happen? Part 1

I am continually looking for ways to make this more easily understood to swimmers. Speed, and more importantly – sustainable speed – is dependent on both technique and fitness, not one or the other. The training must not be separated from each other. And...

Hip-Leg Alignment

Another problem area for the swimmer is in the hip and leg alignment. I will first re-state that the head is the anchor for alignment of all these other body parts. Work on the head first, then the lower back, hips and legs will be much, much easier to correct. So if...

Core Strength And Control

Recently, I’ve gotten a few requests for more input on core body strength and spine alignment so I will share some comments I have been giving students in my lessons… First of all, we are land mammals. We have all grown up learning to standing vertical...

The Effort In Effortless

Recently this questions has come up few times in various forms: How effortless should effortless swimming be? And here is one way I’ve answered that question: The sensation of effortless is relative – when you compare the sensation of swimming once...

Too Cool To Swim?

Autumn has its grip on most of the northern hemisphere and our wild waterways are cooling down fast. I have heard the usual chatter about the ‘last open water swim of the season’ and I fully sympathize. However, I want to raise the challenge to hold onto...

Core Muscles For Swimming

Here is an essay my wife, Gail, elected to write for this blog. She is a licensed occupational therapist (OT) who has helped me develop an appreciation for the therapeutic advantages of TI (therapeutic as in both ‘rehabilitation’ and in ‘performance...
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