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What’s Your Nutrition Bullseye?

What’s Your Nutrition Bullseye?

I love the variety of people who come to our open water swim camps. We spend several days together, swimming, hanging out and of course, eating. I get to observe and interview so many different people who clearly have preferences for certain kinds of foods. I’ve...
Adults Need Self Limiting Exercises

Adults Need Self Limiting Exercises

I can’t emphasize this enough, because it is a cornerstone of our care for adult athletes: we train for superior technique because that is what is going to keep our body pleasantly functional into our oldest age .   Taking off from the way it was said in the...
The Pleasure Of Motion

The Pleasure Of Motion

I took my boys to the local skate park on a rare sunny winter day recently. They like riding their pro scooters there and practicing mild versions of the tricks they’ve seen on Youtube. I was watching them practice as well as the dozen other boys gathered there,...
Foods Provide Nutrition and Cause Stress

Foods Provide Nutrition and Cause Stress

Foods have more than one side to them. When the body metabolizes food into energy and useful nutrients for rebuilding the body, there are waste products produced from that process. It is common to focus on what good things the food brings to the body, but not at what...

Skin Care For Pool Swimmers

If any of you, like me, are around family members who are not swimmers, you may get polite but concerned comments about how much you smell like chlorine after being at the pool. When I was a kid I would lick my skin and sniff as a reminder of the practice coming that...
Foot Care Around The Pool

Foot Care Around The Pool

It’s not a very exciting topic, but for those of us who spend a lot of time at a pool – and in the communal shower and changing room – taking care of our feet is an important health topic. These wet and warm surfaces are petri dishes for highly...
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