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C U With My Hands

What does swimming and swim coaching have to do with a pomegranate? My family and I are fortunate to have a few pomegranate trees in our yard. Deep red and deeply sweet like this one appears to be. They are a rewarding treat, but a seemingly chaotic bundle of juice...

Begin The Catch

I am enjoying the comments and questions on this topic. But we may be reaching the limits of what I may be able to effectively describe with words. I will do my best… Here is a play-by-play, radio commentary on what I think about when forming the catch: The...

Coaching Ethics

[This originally was at the end of Smart Speed Part 1 but I felt it needed it’s own essay- and to shorten that one]. When considering the strategy for pursuing our potential as swimmers- whether young or old, it brings us to an ethical point for coaches and for...

Smart Speed Part 3- Patient Pursuit of Technique

This essay will explain the why I advocate for a Technique-oriented training strategy. Whether you seek ultimate speed, racing performance, fitness or to enjoy endless peaceful swimming, building your platform for superior swimming on technique will give you the best...

In Defense Of Fat

I think these links will be of interest to you  if you aspire to weight loss, or to adapt to open-water swimming. Not all FAT is equal, nor should be villianized in our swimmer bodies. Here’s a few links from The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming: TDNOWS –...

Swim For Vision, Not For Fat

Interestingly, my blog essay Does Swimming Burn Fat? draws a large quantity of search engine traffic. No wonder. I am from a country obsessed with losing weight. I recently returned from a 2 month visit to the US with my family. Because of my work and my athletic...
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