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There Are Consequences

There Are Consequences

Recently, a coach friend of mine attended a seminar given by a swim coach somewhat well-known in the US triathlon scene. My friend told me she went with an open mind and heart to learn from this coach with a different approach to swimming and I supported her, looking...
Your Lifestyle Of Strength

Your Lifestyle Of Strength

For long distance events you need to be strong in terms of muscle endurance. Your body needs to be capable of working at moderate effort level for a long time.  For sprint events you need to be strong in terms of muscle power. Your body needs to be capable of...
What Is The Difference Between Strength, Endurance And Power?

What Is The Difference Between Strength, Endurance And Power?

As you may have noticed from my style of writing on this blog, I try to be careful with definitions of words and use them in technically accurate ways. I appreciate when someone sends me a kind note pointing out where I may have misused or misunderstood a term in its...
One Stroke Technique For Everyone? Part 3

One Stroke Technique For Everyone? Part 3

This continues from Part 2 of One Stroke Technique For Everyone? In the previous part I discussed how we might allow a swimmer to make compromises away from the ideal because she has limitations in her body that are unimproveable or there are other reasons that stack...
One Stroke Technique For Everyone? Part 2

One Stroke Technique For Everyone? Part 2

This continues from Part 1 of One Stroke Technique For Everyone? Improve What Is Improvable Let’s consider some of the features that could be improved if an athlete were motivated to do so: soft-tissue and joint immobility low flexibility low strength poor...
How To Eat More Vegetables – Part 2

How To Eat More Vegetables – Part 2

Continued from Part 1… Why Bother Emphasizing Vegetables So Much? In this post I am not urging you to become a vegan or a vegetarian. I am simply advocating that you eat A LOT MORE vegetables than you are. If you are anywhere close to average, you are not coming...
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