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Using Failure To Solve the Puzzle

Using Failure To Solve the Puzzle

This is meant to be Part 2 of Practice As A Puzzle To Solve. A Practice Example Here is an an example of how I applied this puzzle approach… At a certain range of distance-swimming tempos (1.15 to 0.95) I have tapped into this full-body synchronized rhythm which...
New Stroke Demo Videos

New Stroke Demo Videos

I was in Clermont, Florida last week to attend a joint ‘Fast Forward’ TI Coach 2.0 training camp led by my colleague Tracey Baumann and Erin Glynn and a TI Triathlon Training Camp led by coaches Celeste Saint Pierre, Suzanne Atkinson and Dinah Damian. Head...
Your Potential At Other Distances

Your Potential At Other Distances

This post is related to my 100 yard Sprint Improvement Project I discussed in the previous post. It is not common for swimmers – elite or regular citizen athletes – to train on both ends of the event spectrum – short sprints (like 50, 100) to long...
A Sprint Improvement Project

A Sprint Improvement Project

Since I am back in Oregon USA and back to the short 25 yard pool, my interest has been drawn back to short distance work for these winter and spring months, until open water season arrives again. In Antalya I enjoyed year-round sea swimming, but I am now back to a...
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