Metrics 103: Pace

This is a simple math equation we use in swim training to measure performance (in terms of time) in a test or race: Pace = Strokes Per Length x Tempo By counting strokes (SPL) over a certain distance and multiplying that by the Tempo, we can calculate Pace. Or we can...

Pace Practice For 1500

How do you set up a practice to train for 1500? A long-time friend of mine emailed me his latest 3000 yard workout, sharing his results for some 500 repeats he made with the 1500 triathlon swim as his target. His (traditional) approach is to jump in the pool and just...

Training Pace Perception

It may or may not be surprising to you to learn that holding consistent Pace is one of the most important skills for any swimmer desiring to race or accomplish a particular distance goal for the best possible outcome. This applies to 50 meters sprints to 1500 meters,...

Private Virtual Competition

This is how a virtual competition (with Sun Yang or any swimmer in the world you choose!) might work: Pace is a simple calculation of Stroke Length (SL) x Tempo. We will use SL because it is a universal measurement – it doesn’t matter what length pool you...

Measuring The Catch

Here is a question I just received on my post Power From The Core… Is it possible to guess how much difference there are between a good and a bad catch, if counting SPL and if other factors are equal? My answer is given here to provide a better chance that it...

Smart Speed Part 2

Smart Speed Part 2 – Effective Stroke Rate We looking at the next part of our Speed Equation in this essay: Speed = Stroke Length (SL) x Stroke Rate (SR) In the previous essay I introduced Stroke Length and discussed how we can each find our own optimal SL for various...
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