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Using A Tempo Trainer- SLOW IT DOWN

Using A Tempo Trainer – SLOW IT DOWN! If you have not read the Introduction, I invite you to do so now to get an idea of what I’m trying to explain with these Tempo Trainer lessons. If you know your current normal SPL and SR for your targeted distance event,...

Calculate Your Strokes Per Length

A Method To Determine Your Baseline Strokes Per Length In a pool, warm up at least 500 or so. Personally, I really only start to feel loosened up after about 800. Pick a distance event you intend to train for. Count strokes per length throughout this swim and compare...

Training Strategy Simplified

I swam 3750m at Akdeniz Univ pool. It was 30.5 C. I started at 10:00. 10x 50m gentle check-in warm-up 3x this set: with open-turns 100m fist 150m   hold per 25- 15, 16, 17, 17, 16, 15 SPL 250m   hold per 50- 15, 16, 17, 16, 15 SPL 500m  hold per 100- 15, 16, 17, 16,...

Pursue Speed Intelligently

I swam 3500m today at Akdeniz Univ pool. The water was 29.5 C. Started at 9:15. 10x 50m check-in and warm up 6x this cycle with Tempo Trainer, starting on 1.18 and descend -.01 sec per cycle 50m fist 50m, hold 16 SPL 50m fist 100m, hold 16 SPL 50m fist 150m, hold 16...

Building Gears Into My Stroke

I swam 3750m today at Akdeniz Univ pool. The water was 30.8 C. I started at 9:00. 10x 50m gentle, check-in warm-up Then 3x these sets: 6x 75m – hold SPL 15, 16, 17 per 25’s w/ 4-breath rest between 50m fist ez 3x 150m – hold SPL 15, 16, 17, 17, 16,...

Improving ‘Endurance-Of-Focus”

I swam 3750m at the Akdeniz University pool. The water was 30 C. Started at 9:00. 10x 50m gentle, ‘check-in’ warm-up 2x this set: 100 fist, 16x 25m FR 100 fist, 8x 50m FR 100 fist, 4x 100m FR Objective was to hold best SPL with fullest catch. Take 4 to 5...
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