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Running Rehab – Part 1

Running Rehab – Part 1

For the last 3+ months I have focused entirely on rehabilitating my legs back into running. This means I haven’t swam but a few times (usually during our training events) because I needed to give my limited time each day, each week, to the consistent running...
A Better High Elbow Catch

A Better High Elbow Catch

These last couple weeks I received a some inquiries about my perspective on what is known as the High Elbow Catch so I will share some of the comments I gave. Appearance Or Function? The label ‘high elbow catch’ is a descriptive term of an external appearance – and...
Mindfulness In/Out Of Water – Part 3

Mindfulness In/Out Of Water – Part 3

Continued from Part 2… Now I will move on to some practical suggestions. A few weeks ago one swimmer commented on my post Going Further From Inside: I have read and reread this article several times. Is there any way to incorporate this inner awareness...

Going Further From Inside

I have a few students like this: they have been practicing faithfully for months if not years. They have the expected pattern of the stroke seemingly memorized. At first glance one might say, ‘Yeah, your stroke looks great!’. But these swimmers tell me...

Metrics 103: Pace

This is a simple math equation we use in swim training to measure performance (in terms of time) in a test or race: Pace = Strokes Per Length x Tempo By counting strokes (SPL) over a certain distance and multiplying that by the Tempo, we can calculate Pace. Or we can...
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