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eBook For TI Triathletes

I’ve had the privilege of receiving my first TI Coach training under Shane Alton Eversfield (and Betsy Laughlin!) and then found a couple excuses to work with him again. I am looking for more. I love being around this guy. I love the way he explains things. The...

Blending With Waves

Something strange happened two swims ago. I was in calm, deep, clear water, making my way 2km along the cliffs to the old harbor. I had just seen my first sea turtle of the season swimming below as I started which lifted my spirit. But then, 30 minutes into the swim, ...

Swim-Coach Cycle

Recently, one of my TI swimming students commented that he was hesitant to teach TI to his friends out of concern that he might teach them the wrong things, that he might mis-represent TI. He is a professionally minded engineering type who wants to do things right....

Aikido For Swimmers

Last week I had my first chance to visit an aikido class. I have been intrigued by this martial art for some time, even before reading George Leonard’s book, “Mastery” that is standard reading for TI Coaches. I am intrigued on several levels by it:...

Measuring Quality in Open-Water

In rock climbing, when trying to climb a route ‘clean’ (no falls, no hanging on the rope) the artist has no room for mistakes. A mis-step, a mis-catch causes a fall and the climber is obligated to start over. The whole climb has to be executed without a...

Muscles For Water And Rock

I was reminded this weekend that swimming muscles do not translate directly into climbing muscles. Oh, my shoulders and torso can crank for hours, but above grade 7 climbing is all in the fore-arms (at least on the overhanging limestone we have here in Tky). Hours of...
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