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The Habit Of Exercise – Part 1

The Habit Of Exercise – Part 1

There may be a season of your life when it becomes important to you to get ready for a big athletic accomplishment, like a triathlon or a masters swim meet, or a swim holiday that has you training more than you have been used to. That event on a fast approaching date...
Adults Need Self Limiting Exercises

Adults Need Self Limiting Exercises

I can’t emphasize this enough, because it is a cornerstone of our care for adult athletes: we train for superior technique because that is what is going to keep our body pleasantly functional into our oldest age .   Taking off from the way it was said in the...
Why Is Superior Form Harder To Maintain?

Why Is Superior Form Harder To Maintain?

A member of our online training site, the Mediterra Swim Dojo, has been noticing that after a certain distance in a training set, his stroke quality deteriorates which results in his stroke count (strokes per length of the pool) going up uncontrollably. He asked a...
What Gets You Out The Door?

What Gets You Out The Door?

Let me explain what motivates me to keep training, day after day, month after month, year after year – and perhaps this will resonate with you as well.    When Fitness Must Be Earned It was somewhere around 1987. I was a freshman in high school, and it was...
The Habit Of Exercise – Part 1

Does Swimming Burn Fat? 2

As well as being asked about this from time to time, I’ve learned that this is a common online search phrase so I should get some extra hits on this post. Previously, I’ve written some thoughts on body fat in relation to swimming: Does Swimming Burn Fat? 1...
Do What Works For You (?)

Do What Works For You (?)

“Just do what works for you.” I have heard some version of this phrase spoken or written by coaches or pundits many times, in many different sports. It can be alarming to me because:  I doubt the average (citizen) athlete understands the context of...
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