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The Challenge Of Going Slow

The Challenge Of Going Slow

Three Zones There are two extremes that we are urged to avoid in training – going too hard and going too easy. If we go too hard, or go hard too often, something is going to break. If we go too easy, or go easy too often, we simply will not grow, and may even...
Your Lifestyle Of Strength

Your Lifestyle Of Strength

For long distance events you need to be strong in terms of muscle endurance. Your body needs to be capable of working at moderate effort level for a long time.  For sprint events you need to be strong in terms of muscle power. Your body needs to be capable of...
What Is The Difference Between Strength, Endurance And Power?

What Is The Difference Between Strength, Endurance And Power?

As you may have noticed from my style of writing on this blog, I try to be careful with definitions of words and use them in technically accurate ways. I appreciate when someone sends me a kind note pointing out where I may have misused or misunderstood a term in its...
Surviving or Comfortable or Competitive? Part 1

Surviving or Comfortable or Competitive? Part 1

I am often approached by swimmers thinking about preparing to swim a much longer distance than they have done before – like 3.8K (Ironman tri), 5K, 10K or 20K, or even 40K (for the English Channel). I receive this question in various forms, and it essentially...
Don’t Work Against Your Own Motion

Don’t Work Against Your Own Motion

I have been looking back at my notes from studying one of the books from The Pose Method of Running, by Nicholas Romanov, and ran across this quote on relaxation that had caught my attention previously. It adds another dimension to my thoughts shared in a previous...
Spend One Kind Of Energy For Another

Spend One Kind Of Energy For Another

Do you know what its like to spend energy of one kind in order to gain energy of another kind?  That’s what it usually feels like for me when I go swim. It doesn’t have to be ‘easy’ swimming either. Most often I train quite strenuously,...
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