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What is YOUR Kind of High Performance?

What is YOUR Kind of High Performance?

In popular culture and media, when we hear the term ‘high performance’ we readily picture something like fast athletes or fast cars. That impression comes easily because getting to a destination most quickly is highly prized in our society. Photo by Paul...
Have Extra Time? Reexamine Your Values and Goals

Have Extra Time? Reexamine Your Values and Goals

In the psychological research on values, goals and behavior, we see that when our values are aimed at well-being (for the individual and our positive connection with others), when our goals are aligned with those values, and when our behavior throughout the day...
Time To Expand Your Capabilities? Part 2

Time To Expand Your Capabilities? Part 2

This articles is continuing from Time To Expand Your Capabilities? Part 1… To become more capable than you are right now, you may need better stroke skills, but it is not suitable for continual growth to be working slowly on skills and nothing else. You also...
Time To Expand Your Capabilities? Part 1

Time To Expand Your Capabilities? Part 1

Why Set A Goal? Setting a new achievement goal is not just for those who are ambitious or competitive. Even if, and especially if one is simply pursuing health and happiness through swimming, a goal that requires you to swim a bit farther, a bit faster, or swim better...
The Hardships We Face

The Hardships We Face

I both run and swim year round. In the last year or so I’ve put a lot more emphasis on running, and felt the corresponding motivation for that activity. Back in April, after a week off from illness, I irritated my achilles tendon on the first (allegedly...
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