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Accept What Is In Order To Change It

Accept What Is In Order To Change It

Do you notice, as I do, that rarely are we the same person in the same condition in today’s practice that we were the day before? Every day presents the likely possibility that something is different in our bodies, in our minds, in our personal conditions, which...
Is It Time To Get A New (Inner) Coach?

Is It Time To Get A New (Inner) Coach?

Is it time to get a new coach?  How has the one you’ve got been treating you? I mean, how does he or she talk to you when things are not going well, when you are not performing as you intend? Are his or her words condemning? Is the tone harsh? Is there...
Do You Have Enough Patience For Swimming?

Do You Have Enough Patience For Swimming?

We continue this exploration of what Jon Kabat-Zinn calls the Attitudes of Mindfulness with a discussion on how  patience plays an important role in our swimming practice. You may enjoy hearing Kabat Zinn briefly describe this attitude. Mindfulness for our swimming...
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