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Thinking Or Feeling?

Thinking Or Feeling?

Continuing with the flow of thought from my previous post Remain In The Moment… While in that moment of the swim, deep in the Scarce Energy Zone, what does the mind need to do? Because, it’s going to do something, whether you direct it intentionally or...
Remain In This Moment

Remain In This Moment

One nice thing about being back in USA is that we have pools that open at 05:00 in the morning, and I love early morning swims (and runs). Upon returning from Turkey last week, I went to my fitness club early one morning to find the pool was closed for repairs. They...
Sleep Your Way To Improvement

Sleep Your Way To Improvement

I don’t know about you, but as I get older I find I cannot get away with the kind of crazy sleep hours I sometimes lived by in my younger years. My mental and physical capabilities really go down when sleep is poor. Despite pressure in our modern culture to...
Training In The Scarce Energy Zone

Training In The Scarce Energy Zone

This post was first published as Part 4 of the Swimmer Speed Curve Series, but I have got the impression that it was mostly overlooked as tail-end of that series. It is an important topic in the conversations I am having with my athletes, so I feel I should call more...
Flow With Age

Flow With Age

It is possible I gained more of a mature athletic perspective a little early in life. I was injured at a young athletic age – first, both my rotator cuff tendons fell into severe chronic inflammation at age 16 which exiled me from the competitive pool for three...
Inducing Panic, Inducing Peace

Inducing Panic, Inducing Peace

Last weekend I attended (and passed with ‘flying colors’ as I was told by my instructors!) the Red Cross Lifeguard Training course at our local aquatic center. I needed to renew my First Aid-CPR-AED certification and had been wanting to expand my practical...
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