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Mindfulness In/Out Of Water – Part 1

Mindfulness In/Out Of Water – Part 1

While reading through the post “Can You Rewire Your Brain In Two Weeks? One Man’s Attempt…” from the blog of Tim Ferriss] (The 4-Hour Workweek/Body/Chef dude) various observations and questions in my mind suddenly merged together into this realization...

Why Swim Symmetrical?

Some weeks ago I had an email discussion with my TI Coach colleague Bernardo Blanco in Spain. We were discussing the asymmetry observed in certain elite swimmers, and whether we should imitate this asymmetry or practice a symmetrical stroke. Coach Bernardo was going...
How Much Drill Work?

How Much Drill Work?

This question came up recently in the context of how we should go about training at home after swim camp (or workshop). So, I would like to elaborate here on the comments I made at camp… How much drill work should I do? Good question, but it is not easy to give...

Metrics In Open Water: How To Train

For most swimmers who desire it training in open-water may still only be an occasional or seasonal experience. That means most swimmers practice in the pool, swimming and measuring things between walls – this is ‘normal’ while swimming without walls...

Measuring Improvement

In the Kaizen value system of TI we are devoted to continual personal improvement. In each practice we are inspired to pursue some piece of improvement in our swimming, and in our self. But, you and I live a real life in a real world. So often circumstances come up...
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