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Stepping Stone Solutions

Stepping Stone Solutions: Breaking A Complex Problem into Solvable Parts, and Using Failure Points For Success ** When trying to develop any one of several complex skills involved in swimming we need to break it down into the right size pieces so that we can...

Metrics 101: SPL Development Process

First reference these previous two posts: Metrics 101: Stroke Length Metrics 101: Aim For Stroke Length Ease Let me explain a bit about the SPL (or Stroke Length) Development Process:   Step 1. Reach SPL range. In the first stage you are developing the ability to...

Simple Practice Plan

I’ve been training in swimming, and in other activities, for so many years that I take it for granted what a practice may look like. I also realize our insider swimming jargon can confuse a new initiate. I was reminded of this recently: my wife does not have a...

Breathing Patterns

What breathing pattern should I use? We take it for granted that we can breathe while running or while doing just about anything on land. Most probably pay no attention to it, as we can rely on our parasympathetic nervous system to keep exchanging that air for us...

Technique And Fitness Unite

I first acknowledge that TI Head Coach Terry is emphasizing this topic lately. It’s not coincidental that I am processing these ideas at the same time, though it is timely since several TI students have been asking for better understanding in this very area. So,...

How Does Speed Happen? Part 1

I am continually looking for ways to make this more easily understood to swimmers. Speed, and more importantly – sustainable speed – is dependent on both technique and fitness, not one or the other. The training must not be separated from each other. And...
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