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Overcoming Fear In OWS- Automate Good Technique

Overcoming Fear In Open Water Swimming Part 5 of 9 – Automate Good Technique Good technique enables you to swim with control over your speed and energy consumption, and to do this without injury. But to be of value under a stressful OW situation, that technique...

Overcoming Fear in OWS- Managing Real Fears and Dangers

Overcoming Fear In Open Water Swimming Part 4 of 9 – Managing Real Fears and Danger Fear is suppose to be a healthy response to danger. We don’t want to do away with the necessary triggers and healthy responses to it. We need it to survive and to succeed....

Overcoming Fear In OWS- Removing Irrational Fears

Overcoming Fear in Open Water Swimming Part 3 of 8 – Removing Irrational Fears There’s an internet world of advice out there for all sorts of mental ailments and fear. I will simply present some ideas that may appeal to those who don’t feel they need...

Overcoming Fear In OWS- Separate Phantoms From Real Fears

Overcoming Fear in Open Water Swimming Part 2 of 9 – Separate Phantoms From Real Fears We want to take a daunting or even a seemingly insurmountable challenge and break it down into small, more easily conquered pieces. This is a simple approach to tackling all...

Overcoming Fear in Open Water Swimming – Introduction

Overcoming Fear in Open Water Swimming Part 1 of  9 – Introduction We can find a lot in books and on the internet from amazing swimmers who’ve accomplished big feats in open-water (OW). They are truly inspirational. But they can also seem to operate on a...

Can’t Outswim An Oil Slick

Now I know a little how the oil-stained animals feel… This morning I swam out along the cliffs, toward the Old Harbor of Antalya, past the nearly completed salvage of a wrecked freighter from last December’s storm. It was a little embarrassing that I did...
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