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Accumulation Of Small Advantages

Accumulation Of Small Advantages

At our mini-open water camp in Kas today one of my swimmers was expressing his delight with the improvement he experienced with one or two particular focal points. He kept jumping back in the sea to review it over and over. I was pleased of course, that he identified...

Awareness Gap

There is a common experience swimmers may run into after a workshop in particular – I might call it the ‘Awareness Gap’. Here is the scenario: A swimmer who has been practicing TI on his own comes to a workshop with a list of things he wants to work...

Your Fix-It List

Nearly all my private workshop students make a comment something like this after about an hour or two into our first lesson filled with stroke analysis and stroke re-formation… “I have SO MUCH to work on!” Now, just as you read that phrase, I wonder...

New Technique Dilemma?

Recently, one of my new workshop students (an aspiring triathlete) brought up a common question I hear (or sometimes just sense lingering unspoken) about how to respond to this new technique and training pathway that TI has opened up – in the middle of their...

Core Muscles For Swimming

Here is an essay my wife, Gail, elected to write for this blog. She is a licensed occupational therapist (OT) who has helped me develop an appreciation for the therapeutic advantages of TI (therapeutic as in both ‘rehabilitation’ and in ‘performance...

Problem Solving In Open Water

We can divide the teaching we give in our private lessons, camps, and workshops in two categories: 1) Stroke and Swimming Skills 2) Problem-Solving Skills “Problem-Solving?” you might ask. (The sunset view from the veranda of our hotel here in Kaş where we...
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