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Set Up The Solution

Let me lay out the thinking behind how a TI Coach may set up the solution for a swimmer’s problem. This should be helpful to you who are self-coaching – afterall, it is our goal to help you think like a TI Coach thinks so you can improve your own swimming. At...

Best Head Position?

When I do childrens lessons I keep a 20m section of rope in my swim gadget basket. I tie a small loop in one end. Then I give that loop to a swimmer, have them get out in the pool to the end of the rope. I stand on deck ready to reel the rope in. They will lay flat on...

Swim-Coach Cycle

Recently, one of my TI swimming students commented that he was hesitant to teach TI to his friends out of concern that he might teach them the wrong things, that he might mis-represent TI. He is a professionally minded engineering type who wants to do things right....

5 Points For Children (and Adults too)

Today, in the brutal sun of Antalya I finished 3 weeks of lessons (2x per week, 35 minutes of instruction per class) with children 4 through 13 years old. I finally settled on 5 main Focus Points to ingrain some Fish-like swimming concepts into the childrens’...

Good Food For A Long Swim

Eat (well), drink (well), and be merry- for tomorrow we race! The night before our island to harbor 7km swim three weeks ago, one of my swimmers asked my opinion about what to eat that morning before the race. Some of my Tri and Ultra-distance friends would no doubt...

Simple Steps For Children

Or maybe I should title this, “Simple Steps For Teaching Children In Groups” For the last 3 summers I have been giving group lessons to children at a private international school. It may be of interest to some of you to read what I do with them. This...
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