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A Better High Elbow Catch

A Better High Elbow Catch

These last couple weeks I received a some inquiries about my perspective on what is known as the High Elbow Catch so I will share some of the comments I gave. Appearance Or Function? The label ‘high elbow catch’ is a descriptive term of an external appearance – and...
Focal Point: A Tool, Not A Rule

Focal Point: A Tool, Not A Rule

In the Total Immersion stroke-shaping and training method… …a Focal Point is a tool, not a rule. This comes as a response to a discussion one of our coach colleagues brought up regarding a student who seemed to carry his use of a Focal Point to an...
Faster Tempo = Easier Swimming?

Faster Tempo = Easier Swimming?

Could it actually be easier to swim at a faster tempo? Yes. This could be the case for some of you. To swim fast or swim far you are not looking for longest stroke or the fastest tempo – you’re looking for optimal combination of stroke length and tempo for...
Weight Training For Swimming?

Weight Training For Swimming?

Recently a swimmer friend emailed me the link to this article and asked my perspective on it. Since it comes through an authoritative source (US Masters Swimming) it carries some weight in the minds of swimmers. The article is ” Strength and Size: Getting...
Mindfulness In/Out Of Water – Part 3

Mindfulness In/Out Of Water – Part 3

Continued from Part 2… Now I will move on to some practical suggestions. A few weeks ago one swimmer commented on my post Going Further From Inside: I have read and reread this article several times. Is there any way to incorporate this inner awareness...
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