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Comfort Needs Discomfort

Comfort Needs Discomfort

Here is a challenging statement to ponder: You cannot secure your comfort by avoiding discomfort. You have to enter and work within a zone of discomfort in order to learn how to be comfortable in it. Before we get into that, let’s point out that there is a...
Time For Auto-Pilot

Time For Auto-Pilot

I am continuing some more with thoughts related to the previous post Thinking Or Feeling? If you already agree that mindful practice, deep concentration on feeling with the nervous system is a good way to ensure quality during practice time, the question may come up...
Thinking Or Feeling?

Thinking Or Feeling?

Continuing with the flow of thought from my previous post Remain In The Moment… While in that moment of the swim, deep in the Scarce Energy Zone, what does the mind need to do? Because, it’s going to do something, whether you direct it intentionally or...
The Root Cause Of Failure

The Root Cause Of Failure

This could be considered Part 3 in a series following Practice As A Puzzle To Solve and Using Failure To Solve The Puzzle. Failure is a key ingredient in progress – it is something you actually want to provoke because it reveals more clearly where you need to...
Using Failure To Solve the Puzzle

Using Failure To Solve the Puzzle

This is meant to be Part 2 of Practice As A Puzzle To Solve. A Practice Example Here is an an example of how I applied this puzzle approach… At a certain range of distance-swimming tempos (1.15 to 0.95) I have tapped into this full-body synchronized rhythm which...
Practice As A Puzzle To Solve

Practice As A Puzzle To Solve

For the swimmer or triathlete who is trying to figure out how to design his own practice sets, it might be a confusing task. Even experienced swimmers who are no longer competing or training for a specific achievement may find themselves aimless in choosing random...
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