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The Root Cause Of Failure

The Root Cause Of Failure

This could be considered Part 3 in a series following Practice As A Puzzle To Solve and Using Failure To Solve The Puzzle. Failure is a key ingredient in progress – it is something you actually want to provoke because it reveals more clearly where you need to...
Practice As A Puzzle To Solve

Practice As A Puzzle To Solve

For the swimmer or triathlete who is trying to figure out how to design his own practice sets, it might be a confusing task. Even experienced swimmers who are no longer competing or training for a specific achievement may find themselves aimless in choosing random...
Training In The Scarce Energy Zone

Training In The Scarce Energy Zone

This post was first published as Part 4 of the Swimmer Speed Curve Series, but I have got the impression that it was mostly overlooked as tail-end of that series. It is an important topic in the conversations I am having with my athletes, so I feel I should call more...

Your TI Training Options – Part 1

I’ve written this series of articles as a reference I can point prospective students to, in order to consider the training options available to you. It may serve as a bit of a self-filtering process to help you decide what is the best fit for your needs and...
Appropriate Advice

Appropriate Advice

My last blog post Longer Length Or Faster Rate? attracted many thoughtful comments from regular readers. Those comments brought up many more enticing blog topics. I would like to lay out one of them in this post. Here is a scenario that seems to happen eventually to...
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