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Flow With Age

Flow With Age

It is possible I gained more of a mature athletic perspective a little early in life. I was injured at a young athletic age – first, both my rotator cuff tendons fell into severe chronic inflammation at age 16 which exiled me from the competitive pool for three...
When More Is Better

When More Is Better

When you can make time for more practices each week – with good design and focused effect, and in good balance in your other priorities in life – that is a very good thing. All things being healthy, practicing more often will give you a boost in...
Guidance For Using A Snorkel

Guidance For Using A Snorkel

A reader recently asked about my perspective on using a snorkel in training, particularly to help set aside the concern for disruptive breathing for a while. My response… With any pool tool, if you understand what the tool can help you with, what it’s role in...
Your Potential At Other Distances

Your Potential At Other Distances

This post is related to my 100 yard Sprint Improvement Project I discussed in the previous post. It is not common for swimmers – elite or regular citizen athletes – to train on both ends of the event spectrum – short sprints (like 50, 100) to long...
Appropriate Advice

Appropriate Advice

My last blog post Longer Length Or Faster Rate? attracted many thoughtful comments from regular readers. Those comments brought up many more enticing blog topics. I would like to lay out one of them in this post. Here is a scenario that seems to happen eventually to...
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