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Muscles For Water And Rock

I was reminded this weekend that swimming muscles do not translate directly into climbing muscles. Oh, my shoulders and torso can crank for hours, but above grade 7 climbing is all in the fore-arms (at least on the overhanging limestone we have here in Tky). Hours of...

Train Like Michaelangelo

What has been so helpful to me in TI is that it provides a framework for examining a swimmer’s stroke and making corrections in the right order. The 3 TI Principles: (% emphasis is my interpretation) BALANCE – 60% of excellent swimming STREAMLINE –...

Swim Like You Kayak

By invitation, I spent 2 hours in the pool last night observing my Turkish swim coach friends 15 swimmers, all around 9-12 yrs old. While all were working just as hard, stroking away madly, the most remarkable difference between the best swimmers in the lane and the...

Patient Neck

I was helping one of my 13 year old swimmers to position his head and time his breathing better while he was practicing the UnderSwitch drill. He’s got a neurological impairment (cerebral palsy), but definitely no mental one. He’s full of daydreams and...
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