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A Natural Reward For Facing Fear

I felt it was time to return to my swim route out along the cliffs. I start where the 40m cliffs that hold up the downtown part of the city, meet the Konyaaltı Beach stretch. Instead of heading West where all the bathers play, I headed East along these cliffs, where...

Critical Skills For Mastering Waves

Here on the Mediterranean Coast off Antalya I have a mild selection of adverse open-water conditions – the coldest the sea gets, in February, is 16 C. By May it is up to 20 C, and by mid-August up to 29 C. The afternoon swells and waves, except during a storm,...

Training: Last 4km BareSkin Swim Of The Year?

The weather could turn any day now, so I was eager to get in while the sea temperature was still on the edge of what I could handle for an hour without shivering to death afterwards. I swam 71 minutes today, starting at 10:15 at Konyaaltı Varyant. I swam west all the...

Training: 4km High Elbow Catch Conditioning

Is a high elbow catch helpful to sprint speed and making a longer stroke length? My observations and experience say “YES”. Today, this was my focus for 4km in the sea. I swam 73 minutes, starting at 9:30 at the Konyaaltı Creek area. It was sunny, but not quite warm...

Defining COOL Versus COLD Water

I have an idea for how to define COOL water versus COLD water for my personal situation. In COOL water staying warm is on my mind by not dominating how I train that day. In COLD water all I can think about is working hard enough to keep from freezing! In COOL water I...

Training: 4k Feeling Better Further and Faster

I swam 77 minutes today starting at 10:10 at Konyaaltı Creek, swimming west half-way and back. It was sunny, cool-warm, clear, with a soft off-shore breeze, but suprisingly calm on the water. The sea was 23 C, glass smooth at first, then a little chop picking up on...
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