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How Long Will It Take?

How Long Will It Take?

How long will it take to integrate this skill so that I can do it without thinking so much? That is a version of the question I hear from time to time. It is a good question with a very complicated answer, if I were to attempt to personalized it for each person who...
Swimmer Speed Curve – Part 4

Swimmer Speed Curve – Part 4

This is a continuation of Swimmer Speed Curve Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3… Maintaining best form when energy is abundant is a great Level 1 accomplishment. That is really a good functional goal for recreational swimming, and that may be as far as some want to go...
Swimmer Speed Curve – Part 3

Swimmer Speed Curve – Part 3

This is a continuation of Swimmer Speed Curve Part 1 and  Part 2… In this diagram we see the curve of one swimmer, but with two options for how the curve will form. Below Node #1, when power is low, her swimming is beautiful, smooth, efficient. This is the Easy...
Swimmer Speed Curve – Part 2

Swimmer Speed Curve – Part 2

This is a continuation of Swimmer Speed Curve Part 1… In this diagram we see two swimmer speed curves. The further to the right the curve, the faster the swimmer is going. They both curve upward as the swimmer applies more power, and eventually reaches an...
Swimmer Speed Curve – Part 1

Swimmer Speed Curve – Part 1

I have been working on a presentation to improve understanding of ‘Easy Speed’ and ‘Smart Speed’ concepts in the Total Immersion swimming framework, as I see it. I will break this presentation down into 4 parts. Let me post some diagrams to...
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