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When To Move On

Here is re-post of a response I gave on the new TI Academy discussion forums. (If you haven’t heard about the TI Academy yet, let me know and I will explain it to you and add you to the mailing list). ** It’s a great question – How do I know when to...

Practice: Breathing

I am posting this practice with my workshop students in mind. The terminology will make most sense to those who’ve taken TI lessons or a workshop before where we’ve introduced you to both the unique breathing Focal Points and the understanding for how to...

Hip-Leg Alignment

Another problem area for the swimmer is in the hip and leg alignment. I will first re-state that the head is the anchor for alignment of all these other body parts. Work on the head first, then the lower back, hips and legs will be much, much easier to correct. So if...

Head-Spine Alignment

This is Part 2, following Core Strength And Control… Let’s divide the body into these sections of focus as we examine alignment and core strength in the swimmer:   Head   Spine   Waist   Hips   Legs This article will address the head and spine: The head is...

Your Fix-It List

Nearly all my private workshop students make a comment something like this after about an hour or two into our first lesson filled with stroke analysis and stroke re-formation… “I have SO MUCH to work on!” Now, just as you read that phrase, I wonder...
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