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Too Cool To Swim?

Autumn has its grip on most of the northern hemisphere and our wild waterways are cooling down fast. I have heard the usual chatter about the ‘last open water swim of the season’ and I fully sympathize. However, I want to raise the challenge to hold onto...

2BK Defense

In defense of the utility of the 2-Beat Kick I add this: If Sun Yang can set a World Record using the 2BK for 14/15 of the 1500m race – at an average pace of around 58 seconds per 100m, then we have to consider how effective it might be for you and I, when...

2-Beat Kick And Learning

Here is a follow-up to 2-Beat Kick Steps… ** Have you been struggling to get in sync with the 2-Beat Kick? You are not alone, for sure. But don’t give up. Many people give up on it because they stumble at the beginning and quickly feel frustrated and...

Capturing The Awesome Stroke

When was the last time, after taking a breather (at the wall, or a pause in an ow swim to recover) and then when you resumed swimming, your first few strokes felt AWESOME before everything gradually faded back into ‘normal’ ? For some swimmers this may...

Snorkel For Drills?

Here is a question I am often asked in workshops: “Can I use a snorkel when doing drills?” The short answer is “Yes.” The obvious advantage in using a snorkel while doing drills is that it allows the swimmer to concentrate on the drill without...

Pace Practice For 1500

How do you set up a practice to train for 1500? A long-time friend of mine emailed me his latest 3000 yard workout, sharing his results for some 500 repeats he made with the 1500 triathlon swim as his target. His (traditional) approach is to jump in the pool and just...
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