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Animal Brain

Good comment on my last post! Thank you for sharing some thoughts with me on the topic… My problem is this. Despite the fact that I’ve gotten rid of the need to prove something for myself or others, that natural competitive instinct comes out when there’s...

Cold Showers Are Cool

I mentioned in a previous post on this topic that while the sea was warming up last spring I noticed an interesting phenomenah – my body felt more chilled in 22 C water than it did in 21 C. I proposed a hypothesis that there was some sort of breaker switch in my...

Simplified Improvement Strategy

Here is a guideline for how to take a neurological perspective into your advanced performance training. So many students ask for advice on how to structure their practice times so we’d like to offer at least one idea for how to do that, though we could propose many...

Drill Guidelines

The question is often (and naturally) asked after our workshops, “How do I start to practice all this next week?” TI introduces you to a new way to train. It is based on a neurological perspective, that places the practice of swimming in the realm of how we would...

Slip Or Slide

This post is in response to a question (in the comments section) I just received on my blog post Power From The Core. It’s building upon what was discussed in the previous post, Measuring The Catch. There’s much more on this blog, you can just do a little...

Measuring The Catch

Here is a question I just received on my post Power From The Core… Is it possible to guess how much difference there are between a good and a bad catch, if counting SPL and if other factors are equal? My answer is given here to provide a better chance that it...
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