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Metrics 103: Pace Construction

Metrics 103: Pace Construction

Can we assume that two swimmers who achieve the same Pace are equal in efficiency as well (in both terms of physics and of physiology)? No. Because the same Pace can be constructed by different combinations of SPL x Tempo, and each of those different combinations...

Metrics 103: Pace

This is a simple math equation we use in swim training to measure performance (in terms of time) in a test or race: Pace = Strokes Per Length x Tempo By counting strokes (SPL) over a certain distance and multiplying that by the Tempo, we can calculate Pace. Or we can...

2BK Defense

In defense of the utility of the 2-Beat Kick I add this: If Sun Yang can set a World Record using the 2BK for 14/15 of the 1500m race – at an average pace of around 58 seconds per 100m, then we have to consider how effective it might be for you and I, when...

2-Beat Kick And Learning

Here is a follow-up to 2-Beat Kick Steps… ** Have you been struggling to get in sync with the 2-Beat Kick? You are not alone, for sure. But don’t give up. Many people give up on it because they stumble at the beginning and quickly feel frustrated and...

No Bubbles To Eat

Recently we conducted a TI Coach training camp in Poznan Poland at the amazing Termy Maltanskie olympic pool and aqua park complex. (It will be the site of the 2014 European Championships, I believe). On the last day while doing some sync swimming and video in the 25m...

Training Pace Perception

It may or may not be surprising to you to learn that holding consistent Pace is one of the most important skills for any swimmer desiring to race or accomplish a particular distance goal for the best possible outcome. This applies to 50 meters sprints to 1500 meters,...
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