
What does that word mean to you?

What kind of images of athleticism does it conjur up in your mind?

For me it used to mean:

Tough. High threshold for pain in the body, and a high threshold for monotony in the mind.


Effortless. Focused. Thrilling.

This is how I swim 10km and get out feeling great.

What you think ‘endurance’ means heavily influences the way you train for it.

If endurance for you is to be tough, to bare through it all, you will be drawn to training that makes you tough.

If endurance for you is to be skilled, to soar through with ease, then you will be drawn to training that makes you smart.

What kind of experience are you training for?

Which one will leave you more energized, more satisfied?

Which one can you continue for the rest of your life?

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