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Since you are reading this blog on a regular basis, I would like to invite you to sign up to receive another one by email – The TI Academy blog. This blog produces short, inspirational, practical tips culled directly from a wide range of Total Immersion teaching and training materials, sent out once or twice a week.

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If you appreciate my blog posts I think that you’ll like this blog as well. I happen to be designated the Curator for the TI Academy and because of that role each week I pour over a great deal of TI materials, new and old, and correspondences from Terry, TI Coaches and swimmers around the world. From my vantage point I can see a great deal of information and experience being shared behind the scenes or in isolated corners that deserves to be enjoyed by a much wider audience. The blog allows me to post small pieces of those materials to let swimmers and coaches like you know they exist and where to find more.

So if you would like to receive those blog posts by email also, just visit the site and on the home page, click the pull down menu at the top and enter your email. Then confirm it with the link that comes to your inbox. That’s it. Then you will receive those posts also.


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