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I have a stack of topics begging me to be finished and published, but today I wanted to pass on to your a link to TI Head Coach Terry’s inspirational update on his cancer treatment and experience. I will likely post my next article for you within a few days.

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It makes me consider all those who are going through tough stuff. Terry is a great example of one who is embracing the joy of the process when the outcome is truly uncertain, and not totally in his own hands to determine. If you cannot get a guarantee for the outcome you desire, then it pays to have a process that brings you joy and satisfaction along the way. Basically, that means we’re all in the same position – only with different levels of awareness of just how uncertain our desired outcomes are. But are we investing in the quality of the process?

In the end, what is admirable in any athlete, patient or achiever is the attitude of hope and peace in which they can go about their difficult journey. Our culture seems to mostly recognize those who get what they want after all the trouble. Meanwhile, those who don’t get what they want yet still gave it their all, they may have as much – and perhaps more – for us to admire and emulate.

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