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Spend One Kind Of Energy For Another

Spend One Kind Of Energy For Another

Do you know what its like to spend energy of one kind in order to gain energy of another kind?  That’s what it usually feels like for me when I go swim. It doesn’t have to be ‘easy’ swimming either. Most often I train quite strenuously,...
How To Make Your Stroke Longer

How To Make Your Stroke Longer

The universal speed equation is… Speed = Stroke Length x Stroke Rate If you want to go faster in the water you need to make stroke length (SL) longer without losing more than a calculated amount of stroke rate, or you need to make stroke rate (SR) higher without...
It Matters How You Breathe

It Matters How You Breathe

Have you worked patiently and persistently on your stroke skills and fitness but still feel breathless after only a few laps? There is more that could be affecting how well you feel refreshed by each breath. UPDATE: It Matters How You Breathe is essentially Part 4 of...
Tips For Designing A Single Practice Session

Tips For Designing A Single Practice Session

This is part of a series called The Happier Swimmer: how to set up your practice lifestyle so that you are making steady improvement toward your goal, making the body safer and stronger, and enjoying the process more than ever so you have the motivation to keep going....
Do Only That Which Matters

Do Only That Which Matters

This is part of a series called The Happier Swimmer: how to set up your practice lifestyle so that you are making steady improvement toward your goal, making the body safer and stronger, and enjoying the process more than ever so you have the motivation to keep...
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