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Foot Care Around The Pool

Foot Care Around The Pool

It’s not a very exciting topic, but for those of us who spend a lot of time at a pool – and in the communal shower and changing room – taking care of our feet is an important health topic. These wet and warm surfaces are petri dishes for highly...
Learn To Coach Yourself

Learn To Coach Yourself

When I started the first version of our online training in 2012, my intention was to provide support for our camp and workshop swimmers, who traveled from afar, who were going home and had no local coach and no materials to show them what to do in the weeks and months...
Where Does Your Breath Come From?

Where Does Your Breath Come From?

What do you do when you have done your best to solve your breathlessness problem in the pool and it is still not enough? You followed the Checklist For Easier Breathing: You’ve worked hard on your fundamental stroke skills. You’ve worked hard on the...

Tim Terriss Interview With Terry

It has been just over two months now since Coach Terry passed away from this realm we are conscious of. I’d been waiting carefully until I felt I could listen to his voice again. Early this morning, preparing for a long run in the dark, I felt it was time to...
What Gets You Out The Door?

What Gets You Out The Door?

Let me explain what motivates me to keep training, day after day, month after month, year after year – and perhaps this will resonate with you as well.    When Fitness Must Be Earned It was somewhere around 1987. I was a freshman in high school, and it was...
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