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Choosing Safer Sunscreen

Another good thing about being an open water swimmer is that we pay more attention to the environment we play in. We notice not only how the wild water affects our pleasure and safety, we notice how the humans affect that environment, unfortunately, often in negative...
If You Want To Move Forward Quickly

If You Want To Move Forward Quickly

We most often think of water as a whole body or continuous substance. But really, from another viewpoint in physics, it is a soup of individual water molecules, or little electrical balls all jumbled, bumping and swirling together. And if you want to swim forward in...
Engaging Practices Need Uncertainty

Engaging Practices Need Uncertainty

In the Positive Psychology realm, ‘engagement’ (Seligman) is another term for ‘flow state’ (Csikszentmihaly) which I’ve written quite a lot about in a previous series of posts. An aspect of this engagement or flow is being absorbed in a...
What’s More Important That Speed?

What’s More Important That Speed?

Do you know what’s more important than being faster? Feeling wonderful when you move.  This is not really a personal preference thing. This is about universal physiology and psychology. Think about it. If you want an athletic movement art that you will want to...
Checklist For Staying Ahead Of Depression

Checklist For Staying Ahead Of Depression

I realize there are many forms of depression, and each may have a mixture of roots in biology, psychology and sociology. One may not easily parse out the roots, but if we do certain things to care for our body and mind and connection to others, then we stand a much...

The Tension Behind Relaxation

A few days ago, on the Total Immersion blog, I published an essay on the necessary relationship between tension and relaxation in swimming. If you’ve been trying to be ‘more relaxed’ in your stroke, or trying to be ‘more powerful’ you may...
Should We Use Tempo Or Stroke Rate?

Should We Use Tempo Or Stroke Rate?

In swimming measurements, do you know the difference between seconds per stroke and strokes per minute? Or the difference between tempo and stroke rate? Or when to use one over the other? Don’t worry if you don’t know, or don’t care. But sometimes...
The Habit Of Exercise – Part 4

The Habit Of Exercise – Part 4

This post is Part 4, the last of a 4-part series on The Habit Of Exercise. A cheat-sheet and stripped-down version of what I’ve done to develop a robust habit is provided at the bottom.   Keep It Skill-Oriented Activities that don’t require much...
Beware Of Nutrition-Induced Depression

Beware Of Nutrition-Induced Depression

[PS- After publishing this I realized using the word ‘malnutrition-induced’ in the title may have been more accurate – but it catches attention nonetheless. I think the point is clear below.] I imagine there are many among those reading this who feel...
The Habit Of Exercise – Part 3

The Habit Of Exercise – Part 3

We are continuing our discussion of The Habit Of Exercise. This is Part 3 of 4.   Consistency Is Key We do need variety to keep it interesting and to keep the nervous system stimulated for growth. But it is also very important to be consistent in a regular...
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