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Metrics 101: Aim For Stroke Length Ease

This is related to the previous and following posts: Metrics 101: Stroke Length Metrics 101: SPL Development Process Here is a comment I received from a swimmer recently (and asked permission to repost): My usual SPL is around 17/18. On really slow tempos–1.6...

Technique And Fitness Unite

I first acknowledge that TI Head Coach Terry is emphasizing this topic lately. It’s not coincidental that I am processing these ideas at the same time, though it is timely since several TI students have been asking for better understanding in this very area. So,...

Practice: Breathing

I am posting this practice with my workshop students in mind. The terminology will make most sense to those who’ve taken TI lessons or a workshop before where we’ve introduced you to both the unique breathing Focal Points and the understanding for how to...

The Effort In Effortless

Recently this questions has come up few times in various forms: How effortless should effortless swimming be? And here is one way I’ve answered that question: The sensation of effortless is relative – when you compare the sensation of swimming once...

Slide And Glide Example

A recent comment I received on my post Long Live ‘Slide-And-Glide’ (drill) asked for a video example of this. I think Shinji’s 9-stroke video gets the idea across. Notice how there is no pause in the stroke. One arm is always moving, and moving...

Tune-Up Quick Guide

Here is a more simplified guide on how a Tune-Up could be constructed: Distance/Duration: It could be from 10 minutes to 15 minutes for an already well-tuned swimmer, to the entire practice for an out-of-tune swimmer. I am very reluctant to lay out actual distance or...
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