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Don’t Stop At The Wall!

Don’t Stop At The Wall!

Stopping Is Not Natural Can you imagine running 10 km (up to an hour for some folks) or even 5 km (up to a half hour) in a race or for fitness and doing it in a basketball court? And, rather than run loops around the perimeter of the court, imagine covering that...
Should You Be An Augmented Swimmer? Part 1

Should You Be An Augmented Swimmer? Part 1

Some years ago I was approached by a engineer/swimmer who was developing a clever device that you could strap to a swimmer’s waist and would act like an airplane’s gyroscope and black box, recording the movements of the vessel: changes in velocity, changes...
Guidelines For Using Swim Training Devices

Guidelines For Using Swim Training Devices

[Note: I am sharing this post, one among hundreds, from our Mediterra Dojo library.] Training devices are extremely popular among swimmers and triathletes – with new fads coming each year – and people are often looking to their coach to have an opinion on these....
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