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Removing Fear And Tension From Your Experience In Water

Removing Fear And Tension From Your Experience In Water

The Polyvagal Theory developed by Stephen Porges, describes the way the internal body states influences the brain and perception of the environment, and the environment (especially the social environment) influences internal body states.  In my own words, there are...
Stroke Training As Meditation

Stroke Training As Meditation

Finding Acceleration Again The other day I was helping one of my students, whose challenging life circumstances in the last few months had regretfully kept him away from the pool too much. He was in need of tune up on some skills that were progressing previously, but...
Distance Swimming in Kaş

Distance Swimming in Kaş

As I write this I am sitting on our ‘command boat’ in the sea next to the peninsula in Kaş, Turkey. 30 minutes ago our swimmers begin the first strokes of their challenge swim on this final training day of our open water distance camp. The weather is...
Concerned About Sinking Legs In Drills?

Concerned About Sinking Legs In Drills?

We have a student working through our Pool Comfort lesson series. In this series we guide people through a gentle process of removing the anxiety and stress they’ve felt in the water, which has previously hindered them from making progress in swim lessons, or...
Don’t Work Against Your Own Motion

Don’t Work Against Your Own Motion

I have been looking back at my notes from studying one of the books from The Pose Method of Running, by Nicholas Romanov, and ran across this quote on relaxation that had caught my attention previously. It adds another dimension to my thoughts shared in a previous...
It Matters How You Breathe

It Matters How You Breathe

Have you worked patiently and persistently on your stroke skills and fitness but still feel breathless after only a few laps? There is more that could be affecting how well you feel refreshed by each breath. UPDATE: It Matters How You Breathe is essentially Part 4 of...
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