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Over-Training Children?

Here is a response I gave on the TI Forums to a coach from SE Asia. I didn’t answer her question directly, instead I expanded the question to get her thinking (hopefully) about the traditional assumptions held under that question. I thought it would be useful...

TI Training 102

The answer to speed as we approach these limitations in physics and physiology is improving the shape of the hull and the prop-  what in physics (and boat-building) is called hydrodynamics. The longer, and narrower the shape of the hull, the faster the boat will slide...

TI Training 101

Total Immersion has two dimensions as a technique: A technique for shaping a swimmer’s stroke into superior form A technique for how to train a swimmer to swim at optimal performance with that superior form Let me discuss this #2 aspect briefly: Total Immersion as a...

Simplified Improvement Strategy

Here is a guideline for how to take a neurological perspective into your advanced performance training. So many students ask for advice on how to structure their practice times so we’d like to offer at least one idea for how to do that, though we could propose many...

Drill Guidelines

The question is often (and naturally) asked after our workshops, “How do I start to practice all this next week?” TI introduces you to a new way to train. It is based on a neurological perspective, that places the practice of swimming in the realm of how we would...

C U With My Hands

What does swimming and swim coaching have to do with a pomegranate? My family and I are fortunate to have a few pomegranate trees in our yard. Deep red and deeply sweet like this one appears to be. They are a rewarding treat, but a seemingly chaotic bundle of juice...
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