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Judging An Efficient Stroke

Judging An Efficient Stroke

In response to the recent essay Stroke Length Loyalty (and the subsequent essay Intro to Pace Combinations) I’ve entered into an enjoyable email discussion with a retired engineer about judging efficiency of the stroke. He has been asking how we know when a...
Intro to Pace Combinations

Intro to Pace Combinations

A question from a friend about Pace Combinations made me realize that I have referred to Pace or SPL x Tempo Combinations several times without really laying out a direct introduction to it. So this essay is meant to give a brief explanation for Pace Combinations and...

Metrics 101: Stroke Length

What is Stroke Length? Stroke length is how far your body travels forward on each arm stroke. It is like measuring the distance you move forward on each step or stride. We can easily feel Stride Length and see it on land as we walk or run. It makes sense to us as Land...

Technique And Fitness Unite

I first acknowledge that TI Head Coach Terry is emphasizing this topic lately. It’s not coincidental that I am processing these ideas at the same time, though it is timely since several TI students have been asking for better understanding in this very area. So,...

How Does Speed Happen? Part 1

I am continually looking for ways to make this more easily understood to swimmers. Speed, and more importantly – sustainable speed – is dependent on both technique and fitness, not one or the other. The training must not be separated from each other. And...

Head-Spine Alignment

This is Part 2, following Core Strength And Control… Let’s divide the body into these sections of focus as we examine alignment and core strength in the swimmer:   Head   Spine   Waist   Hips   Legs This article will address the head and spine: The head is...
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